
Check Best-Matched Models in Bulk
dcTrack has a quick way to check best-matched Models in bulk. 1. Fill Make and Models column with models you want to check in ModelsTemplate.xlsx (see a...
Fri, 20 Dec, 2019 at 1:37 PM
Recommended Training Video
Here are a list of recommended training videos to review: dcTrack 7.0 Power Circuits: https://support.sunbirddcim.com/support/solutions/articles/240000462...
Mon, 13 Jan, 2020 at 9:20 AM
How to import "Add Rack PDUs" with proxy
You will want to ensure you have the "IP Address" and "Proxy Index" fields populated on your import sheet. For cascaded PDU's the Ma...
Fri, 24 Jan, 2020 at 9:30 AM